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search: 14 result found

Creating Discourse for knowledge-based economy; A must for the future

Creating Discourse for knowledge-based economy; A must for the future

Parviz Karami

site management site management
05 October 2021
727 visit
National Document for the Development of Cultural and Soft Technologies

National Document for the Development of Cultural and Soft Technologies

By the President; The national document on the development of cultural and soft technologies was announced

site management site management
25 August 2021
3979 visit
Karami: Creative companies get special facilities by upgrading to knowledge-based type 3

Karami: Creative companies get special facilities by upgrading to knowledge-based type 3

Creative houses complete the chain from ideas to products

site management site management
25 August 2021
1199 visit
Two creative and innovation houses will be set up in Hamedan and Malayer;

Two creative and innovation houses will be set up in Hamedan and Malayer;

Karami: Creating a creative economy along with a knowledge-based economy is essential

site management site management
25 August 2021
740 visit
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