1500 companies use the innovation network services in Tehran

Advisor to the vice president for science and technology affairs mentioned that 1500 companies use the services of Tehran Innovation Network, stating: this network is a national program in the Vice-Presidency, established and developed with the goal of expanding the provision of effective and smart services to activists in the innovation field.
According to the public relations and information center of the Vice-Presidency for science and technology affairs, Parviz Karami, the secretary of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter, mentioned that approximately 30,000 people have used the services of the network, expressing: it can be said that almost all of these services have been created and provided by the private sector. Also, to benefit more members of the service, the network is seeking to create or offer more, newer and more innovative services every day.
Karami also explained the existing capacity of the network, declaring: due to the existing capacity of this network, it can be attended by more than 10,000 companies, hundreds of thousands of innovators and top talent, thousands of startups and startups. It can also be the developer and provider of development services in the area of business and innovation.
The secretary of the knowledge-based economy and culture-building technologies development headquarter introduced the networking among active members of the technology, innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem of the country as the key mission of the Vice-Presidency through Tehran Innovation Network. In this regard, he added: to achieve this, the network has focused on issues such as upgrading, synergies, interaction development, communication facilitation, market creation, targeting and innovation support. This is mainly due to the fact that the purpose of this cultural network is to promote the share of knowledge-based economy. Karami pointed out the extension of members of the innovation network, affirming: it involves all elements of ecosystem of technology, innovation and entrepreneurship of the country, which can be found in knowledge-based, creative and technology companies, science and technology parks, innovation areas, technology complexes, innovation factories, government agencies and public institutions. All of these members are somehow contributing to the development of ecosystems with support or policy and legislation.
In the end, Karami pointed out another member of the network, continuing: in this network, elites, top talents, researchers, students, innovative people, inventors, and skill and idea owners are present. In addition, companies, institutions, sponsors, facilitators, and service providers are also present in the areas of business development, science and technology to see technology boom more than ever.