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Foreigners' purchase of one billion dollars from knowledge-based and creative companies in the last 2 years

Foreigners' purchase of one billion dollars from knowledge-based and creative companies in the last 2 years site management
19 July 2022
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Foreigners' purchase of one billion dollars from knowledge-based and creative companies in the last 2 years

The head of the center and the secretary of the soft technologies and development of creative industries headquarters in the vice presidency of science and technology said: Knowledge-based and creative companies can participate in international exhibitions and export their products through the export corridor created by the vice presidency of science and technology.

Parviz Karami, head of the center and secretary of the soft technologies and development of creative industries headquarters in the vice presidency of science and technology, referring to the role of creative companies alongside knowledge-based companies to solve the problems of society, added: creative houses and innovation, the new platform by the vice presidency of science and technology to use the ability of the private sector to solve problems, create employment and generate wealth through the use of soft technologies, along with other innovation centers, are innovation factories and science and technology parks.

Stating that creative and innovation houses operate in the fields of soft technologies and creative industries, Parviz Karami said: Creative industries include twenty disciplines in the fields of visual media, audio, film, animation, cinema and its side markets, as well as the fields of augmented reality and virtual reality technology, podcasts, learning, education, toys, fashion and clothing, sports, wellness, packaging and visual arts, social innovation, and digital gaming. These are the areas where university graduates can enter and form their own creative or knowledge-based companies and thus have sustainable employment.

The head of the center and secretary of the soft technologies and development of creative industries headquarters reminded: If young people in all parts of Islamic Iran are studying in the fields of humanities, social sciences, economics, culture, and art of management, they should not only think about working in government centers, but also they can develop their ideas by attending creative and innovation houses with the help of mentors and trainers, investors or managers of creative and innovation houses who know the market, by forming a team to go through the "idea to product" chain.

Parviz Karami said the support by the Center for Soft Technologies and Development of Creative Industries to creative companies: the center provides equipment, financial facilities, product development, market development, export, help with product samples, and creates an environment for companies to establish themselves, provided that they have become creative companies, and has worked in creative and innovation houses and innovation centers or factories,.

Parviz Karami stated that we have two types of companies in creative industries; One is knowledge-based companies, which are defined under knowledge-based companies, and the second is creative companies. 600 knowledge-based companies have been formed and 140 services have been provided by the vice presidency of science and technology.

The head of the center and secretary of the soft technologies and development of creative industries headquarters stated: From financial facilities to providing location and establishment, consulting and technical support and purchasing the first product of these companies, export assistance, and military service facilities are among these services.

He continued: "The other part is creative companies, which have 1,600 creative companies operating in the country under this title." For new companies to emerge and be formed, facilities under the Law of Production Leaps, deputy, and government and governance have been considered for this purpose to support them so that they remain standing.

Parviz Karami stated that he created several assistants for the vice presidency of science and technology to support and help knowledge-based companies, and said: Innovation factories and innovation centers and creative and innovation houses are the main assistants of the vice presidency whose task is to produce and create knowledge-based and creative companies. The home of creativity and innovation is a place that has a support chain to create employment.

The head of the center and secretary of soft technologies and development of creative industries headquarters added: Creative houses are for supporting and helping elites, graduates and young people who have ideas, for example, youth has an idea and feels that he can commercialize this idea and enter the market. It is slow, but it cannot cope with this work alone because it needs a coach, investors, space, facilities and equipment, and the process of studying ideas and products; Therefore, this is possible by attending creative and innovative houses. Creative and innovation houses are a corridor that shapes the idea in the form of a team and then turns it into a company.

He continued about the export of creative products: So far, the amount of export of creative and knowledge-based companies has been one billion dollars. In the vice presidency of science and technology, the Technology Houses and Made in Iran Export Corridor has been established, through which creative and knowledge-based companies can participate or export in countries around the world and international exhibitions.

Parviz Karami added: Part of the cost for travel, accommodation, and booths in foreign exhibitions will be paid by the vice presidency of science and technology. Of course, on the condition that these companies have goods and products for export, we have export bases in Russia, Kenya, Syria, Armenia, Iraq, and China.

The head of the center and secretary of the soft technologies and development of creative industries headquarters said about the launch of creative houses and innovation in the field of media: We have signed memorandums of understanding to launch the creative houses of Fars, Mehr, and Ana, Donyay-e-Eghtesad and Hamshahri media houses. Anna and Fars are in the stage of equipping, and the creative houses of the world of economy and society have started; The creative house of the Donyay-e-Eghtesad is located in the former place of Qasr prison.

He added: The purpose of creating creative media houses is to recruit those who have ideas in the field of media, technology penetration and innovation in the field of media and provide them with their media.

The necessity of directing government budgets toward employment creation of knowledge-based and creative companies

The head of the center and secretary of soft technologies and development of creative industries headquarters about what developments have taken place in the 13th government in this field and what plans you have for the future said: "Some good things were done in the 13th government; One is that creative industries and soft technologies are mentioned in the government transformation document, and several ministries have been responsible for handling and implementing this transformation document. The production leap law was approved in this government and the first vice president is in charge of implementing the slogan of the year and the knowledge production leap law.

He added: Also, during the provincial visits of the president to the provinces, it was approved that at least five creative and innovation houses should be established in each province.

The head of the center and the secretary of the soft technologies and the development of creative industries headquarters reminded us once again: that the vice presidency of science and technology has incentives to direct government budgets in the direction of the formation of knowledge-based and creative companies in the private sector to lead to employment.

He said: So that our creative youths do not migrate from their provinces and cities to big cities and metropolises, we have increased financial incentives in the less profitable provinces, and on the other hand, there are large companies and they are operating, and we have given incentives to Go to the knowledge base.



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